A four day photography course in one of Canada's most beautiful mountains
Photography Workshop
Photography Workshop // January 5-8, 2021
Limited Spots available
A 4 day workshop
Date: TBD
Whistler, British Columbia
Investment: $? Per Person
On January 5 to January 8, 2022 Erin Hogue will be leading a 4 day photography workshop in the beautiful mountains of Whistler, British Columbia
This three-night, four-day workshop will take place in one of the most stunning mountain resorts in the world. While covering all aspects of photography from landscapes, action, adventure, and lifestyle. Students will also have the opportunity to shoot on two mountains, explore endless terrain, and roam around the classic ski resort town. Lodging will be included with private rooms right in Whistler, BC, as well as breakfast and lunches provided.
During this workshop you’ll gain personalized feedback, how to work with brands, working in galleries and how to elevate your skills overall. You will also experience firsthand how Erin Hoge works with professional athletes and have the opportunity to work with athletes yourself.